THE FLOWER CHAMBER is the working title of my new series, which stars Omaha as The Goddess Hathor Reborn, in a Domed City of the Future after the Great Economic Collapse, trying to make it work between Men and Women in an uncertain world, from an Egyptian palace under the dome where love is being dispensed for free.

The series is being serialized in CHERRY COMIX starting this year, along with a CHERRYPOCALYPSE serial by Larry, and work by MARK BODE and others.

Check for more details at CHERRY COMIX!

Goddesses Look Different With Glasses

Category: Flower Chamber News
Published: Monday, 29 June 2020 08:32
Written by Super User
Hits: 2177

In this excerpt, Osanna is giving the Introductory Speech to six new applicants for the position of Darling.

House of Hathor is an organized public service. Everyone gets this speech printed on their contract.

One applicant is especially enthusiastic, guess which one.

With this page the majority of our main characters are introduced.


Flower Chamber progresses!

Category: Flower Chamber News
Published: Monday, 09 March 2020 19:39
Written by Super User
Hits: 1710

"The Flower Chamber," after much pre-production, is being drawn and painted at last, and I am now working on page 6 of the first 12-page installment done.

If my trusty old computer doesnt explode doing this work, things will be progressing with much more speed now. (If it DOES explode, I have everything backed up, and all the backup backed up, too.)

This first installment, which introduces the Domed City of Manhope and the House of Hathor, will appear in Issue #24 of Larry Welz's Cherry Comix!

This isn't state-of-the-art CGI and it isnt supposed to be, just a fun story.

Well, back to the drawing board, modeling apps and so on. I have 8 more characters to build before I can finish the chapter.

Old Folks at Home

Category: Flower Chamber News
Published: Friday, 03 January 2020 00:10
Written by Super User
Hits: 1609

Old characters in a new world

When my new story "The Flower Chamber" comes out, you may see a few familiar faces amongst the furniture. Yes, that's Huddle, portraying "Garth" the owner of the Elbow Bar in the domed city. A test render for one of  "The Flower Chamber" standing sets.

Some of the furnishings are purchased and some of the work is what people call "kit-hacking," but I built most of this myself from scratch, including the bar and backbar, the beer sign, and the Wurlitzer jukebox you can see in the mirror, and most of the materials.

This project is the result of half a lifetime of interest in mixing comic art and CGI. My interest in it went all the way back to early 1980 when Omaha was just a pipe dream, when we watched news stories of computer graphics and modeling start to develop in the new age of CAD-CAM. It was all a long way off, but I knew it was something I wanted to do.

I was already building and manipulating the sets for Omaha the Cat Dancer on our PC using a house design software in the middle 1980s, and I used PovRay to experiment some in modeling my characters. 

But things weren't far along enough then to make it practical for a hobbyist with a desktop PC, until Poser came along in 1995. I used a combination of Poser2 figures (which I drew over) and sets rendered in RayDream and Strata Studio to create a one-shot erotic comic, "Tumbling Boxes," on my first Mac. No more worrying about lighting!

I continued using Poser through the 1990s, experimenting and then creating some of the Omaha characters on the Mac, and supplementing my income by selling clothing, hair and props on Renderosity, while working with the Nellie and the Drummers virtual reality. Meanwhile, furry artists in California were experimenting with LightWave and breaking into animation.

By the time I became worn out from the relentless advances of  3D graphics, I was working with Jim Vance to finish the Omaha saga itself. Which was composed pretty much entirely in digital media, with 3D modeled reference sets, brush art of course, and then computer coloring in Photoshop, attempting to imitate Kate's airbrush marker style.

Now it's several generations later, I've had to learn one software after another, and finally gave up in despair for about 10 years -- and I can't tell you which is more difficult -- learning a new program or trying to remember how the old one works! And meanwhile, every teenage kid is not only critical from ever-advancing game graphics, but is discovering Blender, Sketchup and numerous anime creation softwares that are available now for beginners.

I don't intend to compete with dyed-in-the-wool CGI geeks, and I don't have enough years left to even try animation … but I do want to take advantage of all the technology that exists to make a fun and colorful story.

Now I spend A LOT of time worrying about lighting!

 More later.

Casting Call for Flower Chamber

Category: Flower Chamber News
Published: Thursday, 16 January 2020 08:22
Written by Super User
Hits: 1738


I thought I'd slap together a little promo to see what I'm doing now. I have about 30 speaking parts in the first 24 pages of this story, and they all have to be designed, outfitted, and ... because its the 21st Century ... modeled! So I thought I'd share some of the cast for you. They are mostly not complete, but this will give you an idea.

The Flower Chamber news

Category: Flower Chamber News
Published: Thursday, 02 January 2020 02:31
Written by Super User
Hits: 2702
Who is this woman?


Well, here it is 2020, and after months of scripting, world-building, research and development, I now have many of my sets created and am actually drawing. I will have something to look at soon. 

But not just now. At this moment, between holiday and end-of-the-year business at the paper, I am designing the 22 speaking characters who inhabit the first chapter. They have been developing in my head all this time, but now they are being drawn. Since it's me, they each also need to have a species designation. Not really a hard job if you know your characters.

Please watch this space and in the coming weeks I will have production sketches, screen tests for my sets, and probably even sample panels, as I hurry to get chapter one completed.




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Reed Waller
309 Division Street W.
New Richland, MN 56072

© 2025 Reed Waller - Omaha the Cat Dancer
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