
"The Flower Chamber," after much pre-production, is being drawn and painted at last, and I am now working on page 6 of the first 12-page installment done.

If my trusty old computer doesnt explode doing this work, things will be progressing with much more speed now. (If it DOES explode, I have everything backed up, and all the backup backed up, too.)

This first installment, which introduces the Domed City of Manhope and the House of Hathor, will appear in Issue #24 of Larry Welz's Cherry Comix!

This isn't state-of-the-art CGI and it isnt supposed to be, just a fun story.

Well, back to the drawing board, modeling apps and so on. I have 8 more characters to build before I can finish the chapter.

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Reed Waller
309 Division Street W.
New Richland, MN 56072

© 2025 Reed Waller - Omaha the Cat Dancer
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