Omaha the Cat Dancer
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Omaha news
- Published: 23 November 2017
- Hits: 2659
For this Thanksgiving, I offer up something from my archives. Two songs from Waller and Worley cca 1990-1991.
The first is Kate's version of Bob Franke's beautiful "Thanksgiving Eve." This was one of our favorite pieces, and here it is being performed live in the basement of Calgary Lutheran Church in south Minneapolis, known then as "The Other Toad Hall." Reed Waller and Kate Worley in Concert, as one of a series featuring local performers organized by our dear friend Howard Ashby Kranz.
Please enjoy this on your holiday.
Thanksgiving Eve
The second is our version of Robin and Linda Willams' "Whippoorwill," one of our favorite duets. This recording is part of a home recording done by Mike Levin on his portable DAT recorder, one night after I was diagnosed with cancer. Just in case, he said. The recording was of Kate and me, plus old bandmate Allan Standish, singing some of our favorites and originals.
I will be producing a restored version of this home concert tape from 1991 and hope to have it ready in time for this Christmas.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Reed Waller