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Written by Super User
Category: Omaha news
Published: 04 March 2016
Hits: 2314
Omaha fans are waiting for Omaha material old and new to appear here, but that's going to have to wait.
What I'm waiting for, is for Jim Vance and Jo to give me the keys to the
omahathecatdancer.com site so that either it can be updated or I can move some material to my site and add links. Due to health reasons, there hasn't been any update on the "Omaha" official site since 2008. So visitors there may not even know that the story was finished, and the full set of Omaha is available from
NBM Publications.
When Jim and Jo get better, they'll get back to me, and we'll talk about what to do with the Omaha web presence. As I said before, I do intend to have sketches, pages, and unavailable material up for viewing and eventually, for sale. But there's still a lot of work to do before any of that is possible.
Meantime, the "
Cat Dancing with Omaha" yahoo group is still active (although there havent been any posts for a while). Sign up if you're not a member.
In the meantime, the entire
Omaha the Cat Dancer Picture Disk is on my site available for listening.
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