Omaha the Cat Dancer
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Omaha news
- Published: 14 January 2020
- Hits: 1895

Well, the German collectors were confused by my first submission, so I had to come up with something new and less cryptic, in not very much time, since the German Vol. 1 is scheduled to hit the stands in the beginning of March.
Phillip asked me if I had any standing art that could be colored, and I showed him an old bookplate that I did 30 years ago, that was never re-used. I was just reminded that it was actually done as a black-and-white limited print in 1989, by some friends who still have one.
He liked that, and suggested that they could have someone on their end color it for me, but I demurred on that. "If i'm going to sign something, I want it to be my work," I said.
I got to work fast and did this in about 3 hours. I thought I'd share it with you. This will be made available to the German buyers in a limited edition of 150. Or is it just 100. I'm not sure yet.
Doing things like this puts me in the spot again, of having to live up to how good I was 30 years ago, when my eyes and hands were much nimbler.
Have any of you had the humiliating experience of laying something down, picking it back up years later, and having to painstakingly relearn a skill from your former self?