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Omaha Unplugged

We wanted there to be a song that was just pretty, and just spoke about the inner life of the artist -- mysterious? or just a reflection of the daily life we all see? Even if you're a dancer or a performing artist, art is mostly hard work, and being alone a lot. It all starts in a room somewhere.


Window on
the World




Dancing naked in your room
Sculpting shadows in the night
Move your body through the air,
Make fingers in the light
From the window on the world
Open to the outside
Showing the materials of living.
Believe in what you see.
You don’t have to like it.
But you can only work with what you’re given.

Struggling with an old guitar
Your brother left behind
You can only get so far
Unless you use your mind
Like a window on the world
Open to the outside
Showing the materials of living
Believe in what you hear.
You don’t have to like it.
But you can only work with what you’re given.

Use your body, use your hands,
Tear your life apart.
Use the parts for something new.
You can call it art
Or a window on the world
Open to the inside
Showing the materials of living.
Believe in what you feel.
You don’t have to like it.
But you can only work with what you’re given.

© 1988 by Reed Waller

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Reed Waller
309 Division Street W.
New Richland, MN 56072

© 2025 Reed Waller - Omaha the Cat Dancer
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