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Written by Super User
Category: Omaha news
Published: 25 April 2019
Hits: 1889

Omaha the Cat Dancer simply refuses to die. Despite the fact that the final volume produced by me and the late Jim Vance came out in time for Comicon in 2013, NBM's promotion didn't last much longer than that, and we were in the position of having a last volume (which took us 7 years to finish} that practically no one realized existed. And now, of course, it's out of print.
The material is back in the hands of the authors, c/o our agent Denis Kitchen, but with me busy with the newspaper and the others deceased, there's been little motivation to keep the books available.
Nonetheless, I keep getting inquiries about "how can I get these books?" and "have you considered digital publishing?" I have to confess that I don't know anything about this new business.
Meanwhile there has been some overseas interest and it's ironic to think that there might be a new publication of Omaha the Cat Dancer in Europe but not in its native country.
I am now investigating new options for the digital publication, and the reprinting of these books. After 20 years of exile, I think I owe this property some permanence, for the sake of Kate and Jim, and to preserve a view of a different world than we have today.
(Reprinted from my blog)