Both Albums are Up!
They Work! Both the Nellie albums are up for listening!
Both 1999's LIVE AT THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE and 2002's CHAMPAGNE are available for listening on the NELLIE ALBUMS page. There are the album covers, and clickable track lists. If you click the album cover, you will be taken to the first track! Once you're there, you can listen and page down to the next track. Pretty slick.
These capabilities just weren't available to me decades ago, and I had to be satisfied with putting some tunes up on amateur rock sites frequented only by wannabe-rockstars age 12 and below. They all said, in so many words, "WTF?"
Oh, well.
The Past is Reopened!
I can't believe it, but I have all the tools now to open all the 15-20 year old files that I created Nellie and her world in.
Poser is up and running, and so is Lightwave (ugh!) and Digital Performer and my other music/MIDI/text to speech/text to Midi apps.

What I was worried about, was that the majority of my scene files (the Slaughterhouse, Nellie's apartment, all the stuff from the movie that didnt get made) were done in Strata Studio 2.5, a (presumed) long dead PowerPC application. The only records i had of the interiors of these long-ago designed sets were Quicktime Panorama movies of the Strata scenes. And now Quicktime VR and Quicktime 3D are long dead platforms that are unreadable.
Darn! This is WORK!
I haven't worked on Nellie for over 10 years, and yes the graphics from back in 1999 are really crude (not bad since at first i was building my own figure models from scratch without access to any good modeling software) -- but the worst thing, is now after a decade i have to get back to snuff on my multimedia apps.
I need to at least create scenes for slides for all the tracks, and many of the scenes and characters back then were built and animated and rendered on software that doesn't run on any computer today. (Much of it was rendered in Strata Studio Pro). By the time the second album was in progress, I had moved everything over to Poser5 and Lightwave 7, but the Slaughterhouse itself and all the accoutrements of a 3D epic that was never made, might as well no longer exist.
What pisses me off even more, is that some of the stuff I did was only rendered in the form of Quicktime3D panoramas and movies, which were darn cool at the time but now are an outdated file format that cant be read by anything.
That's all probably just as well. Now I'm equipped with PoserPro10 (still not the latest), good old Lightwave 7.5, and am going to be experimenting with Blender, to see if i can continue my work with something that costs less than $3,000.